Friday, March 2, 2012

trying to get creative!

I've been feeling a little "constricted" at work and decided to let my creative side out for a little change of pace. I've been dying to learn photography and express my creativity that way, but it seems a little overwhelming (and time consuming) to dive as deep into that as i'd like to be successful! Besides, it's been years since I've really done much of anything creative, so I decided to start easy...
A painting for our living room (I copied this from an original, but changed the NOT that creative, but it's a start!)

another painting....(copied from the original below)
(this is the original)
Really, I am not super impressed with my skills. Maybe if I didn't know they were mine, I'd like them better, but for now they are occupying walls in our house.

There are so many other things I'd like to photography, or refinishing furniture, home improvements (i.e., decorating! ;-) I'll get around to it one day!!

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