Friday, January 22, 2010

our first cold

Ruby Belle had only been at day care for 3 days when we got a note saying a kid in her class had Bronciolitis. nope, not bronchitis, bronchiolitis. either way, some lung thing. and a few days later, the cough and runny nose began. then the phone call from day care. she had fever. my poor baby. I hated to hear her cough and not be able to do anything. she was in pretty good spirits throughout. had her eyes not been red, you may not have known she was sick, but she's feeling better now. and that makes us all feel better.


Cat said...

Poor little lady. Owen has had that too. The cough sounds horrible...

I was listening to my iPod the other day and came across some Cross Canadian Ragweed. It made me think of you. :)

Mandy S said...

:) thanks for thinking of me! they are going to be here this friday...going to see them for the first time in what seems like forever! my first night out w/o RB!
hope owen is feeling better! RB still has the lingering's nasty!