Saturday, January 9, 2010

hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work i go! :(

the day has come. it's been a little over 4 months. and a little under 4 months since i had Ruby Belle. and the time has come for me to head back to the "working mom's" world. i really enjoyed the "stay-at-home-mom's" world. i am looking forward to more consistent adult interaction and i DO love my job, so i am somewhat excited. I'm just not excited about being away from my daughter so consistently and indefinitly. the "part time working mom's" world sounds like the best of both worlds. i'm sure there are down sides like there are to everything, but really, i can't think of them right now. i'm kinda blinded though. anyway, it's sad. i was just feeling like we had a routine. i was actually getting housework done (some days) and she's becoming SO much fun to play with! and i have to ship her off to day care. so they can have the fun and watch my daughter do all her firsts and grow up. :( (ok, so i could NEVER work in a day care b/c i know it can't be THAT much fun to have SO many kids ALL the time, but still!)
needless to say, i'm becoming very sad, very quickly. i didn't know it would be this hard and that i would have such mixed emotions! so, Monday, here i come with pump in tow!


LZ said...

I didn't know you did cloth. You definitely should talk to your day care again because it wouldn't be really more work for them. I will be using cloth too, my sister actually makes cloth diaper and they are super cute so she already gave me a bunch and is making me a bunch more!

Hope being away at work goes smoothly!

Mandy S said...

she makes them! wow! impressive!we use the kinds w/buttons or snaps. does she make the kind you pin on? i will be asking them tomorrow about the diapers again. i totally's NO more work for them to put the diapers in a bag rather than in the trash!

are you going to keep working once you have your little one? how was your first trimester? feeling ok? i LOVED the 2nd trimester! i felt great!

LZ said...

She makes hers with snaps (actually double rows of snaps now).

My first trimester was fine, not too bad, tired a lot and got a little sick but nothing terrible. I am feeling pretty good now. As for work, my first semester back (next fall) my boss is allowing me to wokr 2 days a week and Eric is going to take off those days so we will go 6 months before using daycare, but then it will be full time (except for summers and all my school breaks)!

mary_marshall said...

Oh Mandy, I feel your pain! I'm saying prayers for you today. I know everyone says it gets easier, but I haven't felt that yet. It's hard! But she doesn't know she has a choice. That always helps me to remember that.

Mandy S said...

laurie, that's awesome about work...well, for the 6 months. that's a pretty good deal! enjoy every minute of it. there are plenty of days that i wanted to get out of the house, but i also LOVED staying home w/her and watching her grow!! they really start to get fun around 3-4 months so enjoy!!!

thanks mary marshall!! i really needed a few prayers...for leaving her AND for my first day back!!! i guess it's a good thing i'm the boss and was SOOO busy that i didn't even have time to hardly remember that i even had a baby! i sure couldn't wait to get home though!! and SO true about how they have no idea! i know she was fine today, i was probably the only one it was hard for! i hope work is going well for you!! i definitly didn't enjoy the "pumping at work" deal. it's kind of not fun or comfortable! :) but worth it for our little ones!