Thursday, January 7, 2010

cloth's been so good to know you, we'll keep in touch

yes, we cloth diaper. AND we disposable diaper. a little of both. we're only "kinda" hippies. really, i've got a little hippie green in my heart, and my husband will do anything to save a dollar (actually our friends, Nick and Sarah, talked him into it - thanks guys!!), so we have been cloth diapering from the beginning. and really we like it. most of the time. the first diapers we got (bought them used from a friend) were first. then all of a sudden, they started "leaking." only pee, but leaking. i don't know, but maybe she just got bigger and so did her waste and the diapers just couldn't hold that much...i have no explanation. so, we started putting her in disposable diapers at night and when we were out to save on MANY clothing and bedding changes. and then we switched to the cloth diapers that Nick and Sarah recommended. and I really do love them! we use the Bum Genius ones. they're great! we still use the disposables sometimes at night (just a habit i'm slowly breaking) and if we go on trips (no one wants to let us do diaper laundry daily!) But, it physically pains me to buy disposable diapers...i just can't imagine how much we would spend if we used them all the time!

so, it's coming. day care. and they don't do cloth diapers. so, here we are. looks like we'll be drastically increasing our diaper budget.


Sarah said...

The leaking might be due to the type of detergent you're using.

I can't believe daycares won't facilitate cloth diapers. I mean all they would have to do is put them in a bag and you pick them up each day. It's not like they'd be expected to wash them! I get that it's a *little* more work, but I worked at a daycare in college and we had to keep up with change of clothes, coats, lunch boxes, water bottles, allergies, etc, etc. Not a big deal. Sorry mini rant. :).

Unfortunately, Ashby outgrew his diapers before being potty trained so we've got him in disposables - yuck. I hate buying and using them!

Mandy S said...

agreed!! i think i'm gonna ask again...really, I do all the work! all they do is put them in a bag instead of the trash can!

oh, and the ones that leak we got from someone else...and they are a different brand. we use the soap from Ozark Natural the bag...can't remember the name right now and i'm pumping and can't go look :) anyway, they are "newborn" size supposedly so she's almost grown totally out of them. i think they are swaddle bees??