Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our first big trip

We went to Colorado Springs for New Year's to visit my husband's brother and sister-in-law, their 2 kids and my mother and father in law. and we drove. 14 hrs there...only 12 back. long hours. we drove through the night in hopes of making it easiest on Ruby Belle. and it was...but wasn't easy on us! on the way up, it snowed for about the first 5 hours and wasn't fun driving. and neither of us got much sleep in the car...just something about sleeping in a Honda Civic that isn't easy! :) but we made it. and we had a great time! Ruby Belle did great on the drives...she does nothing but sleep in cars. and she adjusted fairly well on the time change, etc. besides she had her grandma and grandpa and cousins to all take good care of her!
a few pics from our trip!

New Year's Eve

Mallory and Ruby Belle

Brandon and Jamie at the Nuggets game

Justin and I at the Nuggetst game

The 3 grandkids

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