Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Official!!! FINALLY!!!

y'all may not be as relieved as I am, but you may be after reading 30 posts on baby names!

finally, after many (some heated) discussions with my husband...(he even asked me just 2 days ago if he could have 6 more weeks to think about the name!, I am due in 6.5 weeks!!)

Beckett King Smith

Beckett I can credit to my best friend Holli...we were talking baby names one night on the phone and she threw this one out at me. and King, it's Justin's dad's name. so, there you have it! i've talked enough about baby names...

now the countdown to Beckett's arrival can begin!!! oh, and so can the monogramming!!! yippee!!


Sarah said...

Yay! A name!! Love it!

Mandy S said...

Ha!! yes, finally!! and technically it's one of those last name names since the name was first seen by my friend who saw it on the back of a baseball jersey!

LZ said...

So glad you found a name! So cute with Ruby Belle too! Hope the last bit of pregnancy goes well and that sleeping is getting better too with RB!