warning: some moms may think this is awful. (please don't judge!)
and let me tell you from first hand experience...it is!
so, we've had Ruby Belle in her "big girl" bed for over a month now. But, we started out laying with her until she fell asleep, and again laying w/her until she fell asleep if she woke during the night. so, about 2-3 weeks into it, i decided maybe this way of putting her to bed wasn't the best idea considering we have another little one on the way. I mean, really?! how will I ever get any rest with a newborn and an almost 2 yr old we have to lay with for 20-30 min to get her to bed?! I don't know how parents do it? so, i read a little on the internet from other moms, you now "expert advice" and found a few different ideas. so, this is the one i went with. put her down, tell her you're going to read ___# of books (we do 2), read them, tell her good night and leave. so, we started doing that most night (first problem is MOST). anyway, we kinda got out of the habit after just a few days, and she really was doing well with it. so, tonight i decided we had to get back on track...i mean, Beckett will be here SO soon and we must get this down before his arrival!! so, we were on track, but she wasn't exactly showing signs of sleepiness (those are the nights when it's really easy). needless to say, when we left, she screamed, and screamed, and then figured out how to open her door, we put her back down, then she screamed and screamed as i held the handle (with force i may add...she's strong and persistent!) for exactly 10 minutes. it was TORTURE...on her end and mine!! i felt SO bad! (thank goodness for Smart phones. i kept myself entertained - read tried to keep my mind off the torturous thoughts that were going through her head as she screamed "Mommy, daddy!" - for the 10 minutes of torture). but at exactly 10 minutes, i felt her let go of the handle and heard her quiet down. i left and came back to check on her a few minutes later and this is how i found her...