10 things I LOVE/HATE about being pregnant:
i love/loved:
1. craving "real" food - i normally could go w/o meat for weeks and live off salad and sweets, but now i want all the good stuff!
2. feeling the baby move
3. gaining weight and not feeling bad about it!!
4. ultrasounds
5. naming the baby
6. getting the nursery ready
7. watching my belly grow...and grow...and grow!!! and having a little person in there! crazy!
8. strangely enough, my moods...they have actually been a little more stable than normal!!!
9. dresses - a savior in the comfy category
10. anticipation
i don't love so much:
1. feeling nauseous all day long
2. back pain
3. pregnancy insomnia
4. back pain
5. bathroom breaks every hour during the night
6. back pain
7. not being able to have an adult beverage...esp when out on a nice dinner! :(
8. back pain
9. back pain
10. back pain
Truly, i've loved being pregnant! well, now it's getting to the point where the annoying little things are adding up, but overall...it's a miracle!!