Saturday, March 7, 2009

2nd doctor's appt

March 2, 2009

today was my 2nd dr's appt. justin came w/me this time b/c we were going to have our first ultrasound! it was really fun! we got to hear the baby's heartbeat (~160) and see our little lima bean...well, the baby is actually the size of fig now. we were originally thinking i was about 11 weeks 6 days now, but the baby actually is only measuring at about 10 weeks 5 days. so, my due date has been pushed back to Sept 24th, 2009. anyway, it was so exciting to see the baby moving around! i really expected to see the baby, but guess i didn't really think the baby was moving so much at this point!! i was surprised! and it was really cool! the doc said we "had a little swimmer on our hands, maybe a little Michael Phelps"...then he turned to me and said "well, not the pot smoking kind, but the swimming kind." funny, cause he's really a short on words, dry kinda man. and i don't think he knows i was a swimmer all my life! told him it would make my dad proud to have a little swimmer!
here's a pic of baby smith...not the greatest quality when you take a picture of a picture!!! :)


LZ said...

Congrats to you guys!!!

Mandy S said...

thanks :) we're very excited!!

Jared & Jill Marley said...

Yea! So excited for you guys! And can't wait to meet little "Payton" or is it "Peyton"??:)

Mandy S said...

ha!! :) it's payton...i'm thinking payton leigh. that's my middle name and his

Ryan K said...

OMG CONGRATS!! I WILL TELL MOM! I'm so happy for you guys! When is the baby due?

Ryan K said...

OH Nevermind it's sept! sorry :)

Mandy S said...

Thanks! we're super excited!! tell your mom hi! i'm sure you're having a blast having her there!!!

mary_marshall said...

We are almost exactly a month apart (due Aug 25)!! I'm so excited for you. I hope you start feeling better soon. I did around 15-16 weeks. I'm so excited for you & it's so wonderful to be back in touch (see reunions & facebook are good for something, right?). I'm adding you to my blog reads so I can keep up with everything going on. Congrats again!

Mandy S said...

ha! yeah, they may take up some serious time, but you gotta love facebook and blogs! and truly i LOVED our reunion! probably more fun than i had in high school! :) anyway, i'm actually starting to feel better! my mom's coming this weekend to hang out, so i'm glad i'm feeling a bit better! glad to hear you are, too!! i love reading your blog b/c it gets me excited and ready for what i have coming right up!! so fun to be close in due dates! i've got to get better at blogging though!! your's is so fun to read!