Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another day in the hospital

Note: Post written Saturday, July 24, 2011

So, Beckett and I are back in the hospital. :-( Beckett was a little jaundiced before we left the hospital initially, but they let us go home and told us to see the doctor the next day. well, we did and his jaundice was a little worse, but he was pooping like a champ, so she just wanted to watch it still and check it again the next day (today). Still pooping like a champ, but bilirubin levels were not so much champion like. They were more elevated so we were sent to check back into the hospital. poor little man! He's a little golden child. (sounds better than being "yellow," right?!) So, here we sit...he under the bili lamp and I watching from this wonderful hospital bed. They will check his bilirubin again in 6 hrs to see if it's getting any better. If so, we're just here until tomorrow most likely. If not, it's IV fluids for Beckett and then maybe a little longer stay.

Either way it's frustrating...and a little sad to watch your newborn wimper under the bili lamp with the cool shades on...
Note #2: We were able to leave Sunday around noon!!! A little less than 24 hours after our arrival! We just have strict instructions to feed on a regular basis and spend some time in indirect sunlight to help continue to get rid of the bilirubin. AND we made it home in time to see Daddy off to Baton Rouge and wish him good luck on his test!! SO happy to be home, but sad to see him leave! Thank goodness for mommies who are here to help!!! My mom is staying with me while Justin is gone to help take care of Beckett and Ruby Belle!!


Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

Bless his little heart. I'm so glad y'all got to go home. I couldn't help but think the little billi bed looks like a baby tanning bed. Hope he is less gold now! =)

Mandy S said...

ha!! yes, he totally looked like he was tanning...goggles and everything! thank goodness he's not golden anymore!