Wednesday, February 23, 2011

RE: "Talk about a To Do List"

After reading this blog post by my sweet sister-in-law i feel like i must respond.

so here it goes:

1. I am so thankful that my brother and sister-in-law agreed to let my family and i occupy their mother-in-law suite for a couple of months. I LOVE living so close, but am always terribly afraid that we're driving them know, the feeling you get when you have house love them, but sometimes they make you feel uncomfortable in your own home. that's how I think we make them feel sometimes. (ok, maybe i'm just this way sometimes...and with certain house guests!...but it makes sense to me). Anyway, this living arrangement has made our life a lot less complicated during this "transition process" and we're so thankful for them opening their home to us!

2. that picture of Stephanie and I is terrible of me!!! She's a blushing bride and i look like a pretty p.o'd bridesmaid! I swear, I'm NOT. I loved every minute of being her bridesmaid and it's that darn half smile that comes out sometimes (especially when squinting for pictures in the sun) that makes me look like i hate life. I DON'T and the picture just didn't capture me at my best :-).

3. I am 17 week pregnant as Steph stated...(post on the sex of the baby to come VERY soon!) and my clothing choices are getting smaller and smaller. I have a select few pairs of pants I can fit in. The maternity pants will be coming out SO today! also, i'll be posting belly pics sorry if my bare belly offends some of you! just close your eyes. you know, like your parents use to make you do!

4. Overwhelmed is an understatement! I am SO there with this to-do list!!!

On a serious note, though, I'm so blessed and happy to be back in Shreveport and close to my family!! they make all of this transition a lot easier!!!

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