Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Perks of Work

if any of you have read any of my previous posts, you may know how much i LOVED my job in Bentonville, AR. and how i was SO excited to be moving home to Shreveport, but SO, SO, SO sad to leave my job that i loved so much! it was like leaving family.

but, i was hoping to find something of the same sort (though i knew it would take years to match what i left) in my new job! I know, some of you are thinking...foodservice is's all kinda crappy and lunch lady-like. well, in NW Arkansas it wasn't quite like that. yes, still lunch ladies, but a different world from deep south foodservice. just drive through McDonald's in Shreveport and then in're in for a treat!I knew it would take a while to get adjusted, and that going from working in a nice, newer hospital foodservice in NW Arkansas to an older nursing home (somewhat in the sketchy part of town) foodservice department in Shreveport, LA would be a drastic change.
but i had NO idea...

my new kitchen (i SO wish i had pics of my "old" kitchen in AR so you all could see the "new" kitchen in LA meets EVERY stereotype you can imagine...continue on with the pics to see!)

This is the chair I had to find and make myself for the 1st 2 days.

And the desk that was being shared by 2 people (Also, I didn't get a pic...because I quickly killed them...but I was also greeted by a spider and a roach in the first 2 minutes I was there!)

On the 3rd day, I was granted these 2 fine pieces of furniture.

My new chair!...

and my desk...yes, there is a scary looking Jesus (i love some Jesus, but this one is posted on several walls in the kitchen and throughout the nursing home...apparently a resident drew him. yes, pretty good drawing, but i can't help but think it's a bit creepy! guess I will constantly be reminded that he's always looking over me!)

and a typical lunch.

The ladies so proudly serve this to you! and actually after the first few days (which also included liver and onions for an entree one day!...who still eats that?!?) the food has been decent on most days. you have to give it to the African-American cooks who have worked there 20 years...they know how to cook soul's just not always what i'm hoping to have...especially after seeing the roaches! (4 in the first week! the pest control has come since then, and i haven't seen one since...but there's always tomorrow!!)

OH, how i miss Northwest Medical Center - Bentonville foodservice! I LOVE being here in Shreveport, but me trying to improve this kitchen is, as my boss called it, like polishing a terd!

now if that doesn't inspire you, i don't know what will!!

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