Saturday, December 25, 2010

15 months

again, it's been a while since i've given a Ruby Belle update! she turned 15 months on Dec. 16th, so i'm a little late, but here you go!
15 months stats:
20lbs 6oz
29.5 inches

other updates:
*still sleeping great. goes to bed around 8 and gets up around 7. takes 1 nap daily for 1.5-2 hrs
*eats 3 meals and 2 snacks daily, plus a bottle before bed
*yes, i said bottle. We REALLY need to break her of that!
*good news...doesn't use a paci or suck her thumb and never has
*love to feed herself. usually that's the only way she'll eat (unless she's STARVING)-she's really showing her independent side
*still won't eat much protein. but she will if it's mixed with spagetti/tomato sauce (lasagna, chicken parmesean, spagetti)
*much pickier about veggies - will usually only eat canned green beans...and she'll eat LOTS of those, but rarely she'll eat some bits of other veggies
*can say "more" in baby sign language...working on others
*she has LOTS of conversations with herself, i still can't understand any of them!
*she sometimes says "thank you," "dog," "cat," "mama," and "dada"
*cries when told "no"
*cries and stomps her feet when you take a toy (one that's not supposed to be a a wire - she LOVES wires) out of her hand
*has learned to throw temper tantrums with the best of them (see earlier post)
*giggles all the time...and is especially ticklish
*has gotten much better at giving kisses, but still only does them when she wants to :)
*loves to pet and chase the cat and dog
*has had 2 "accident reports" at school...both involving fights over a toy
*loves to climb on anything she can reach
*plays well independently (but loves attention!)
*loves going down slides
*loves to clap when you say "yay!"
*has several teeth - 12, i think
*still using cloth dipers at home
*is going to be a BIG SISTER!!!

She just gets to be more fun each day!! It's so fun interacting with her and watching her grow up! i can't even put it into words! she definitely has an attitude, though! it's been challenging trying to learn how to parent and discipline. we're still trying to figure that out. and i'm sure we'll be trying to figure that one out for the next 20 years at least!

pic while we were waiting for our shots at the doc's office!

that sweet smile! this one was priceless!

like i said...loves to climb!

and more climbing


playing with Meme and Pops


LZ said...

What a surprise!! Congrats and way to sneak it in, what's the due date??

Mandy S said...

ha!!! was wondering if anyone would notice :) i'll post more after my doc appt on monday!

Anonymous said...

I think her sassiness is yet another rusult of Butch being such a softie these days!!

Mandy S said...


i SO agree!!! we can definitely blame Butch for the sass!!