Thursday, July 15, 2010

feedin' time

about a month ago, i attempted to make my first baby food. i have been meaning to do it for about 3 months now, but just now got around to it. (i had to go buy a food processor first...i didn't have one or even a blender) i made green peas and sweet potatoes. i was SO proud. however, Ruby Belle is less impressed. it's like force feeding at it's finest...and that doesn't go so well with a 9 month old! i think i probably should have tried this a month or 2 ago!! why Gerber sweet peas and water is better than mine??? who knows!?! guess i'll keep trying since i have a lot in my freezer!! until then we've moved on to finger foods. MUCH more fun for her and hours of entertainment!! easy, confined entertainment...messy, though! i think she's just becoming more independent and wants to do it herself. unless it's Gerber #2 baby food (nope, she won't eat #3's on most days either!) then she puts her hand up and shoves the spoon away!!
so, it's mostly play time these days when it comes to trying new foods but that leads to bath time!!! that girl could play in the bath for hours!! she LOVES the water!!! maybe she'll end up a swimmer!!! (i don't think she has a choice, right?!)


mary_marshall said...

Nope! No choice. She will be a backstroker & a freestyler. Or just good at all strokes like her mommy. :-) I've been so scared that Harper will be afraid of the water, so I've been dumping water over her head since she was a few months old. I also lie her on her back in the tub & she loves it now! I'm determined for her to be a good swimmer. :-)

Ruby Belle is so stinkin' cute, Mandy! Don't get frustrated about the feeding. 9 months is when Harper started getting more independent too. I think that's just the way it's going to go! One thing I did when I started making my own food was to mix a little of it & a little of the Gerber food together & then gradually use more of my own food. I think that helped the transition.

Cat said...

She's adorable! And Owen always preferred finger food to any baby food...just one of the many challenges they like to give us. Miss you!

Mandy S said...

ahhh!!! m&m...i try to get her to lie on her back...still working on it!! we do play in the kiddy blow up pool in the yard sometimes and she LOVES it! good luck w/Harper swimming!! i'm sure she'll have some of your abilities!! :) or she can be a little gymnast!!
thanks for the idea on the food...i've been mixing a little, but she's smarter than i thought. she's getting better though! i think she just wants to be independent!

Cat! i think the finger foods are the way to go! she likes those and the #2 gerbers...pure purees!! not much in between! ha! miss you too!! we need to get together sometime!!