Ruby Belle is now 10 months old and growing SO fast. she continues to delight us more and more each day!
- she is BUSY!!
- loves to laugh and giggle
- understands "no" (yep, she's mischievous! and likes to play with wires and outlets - thank goodness for outlet covers!)
- still not saying anything i'll call her 1st words, but babbles and "talks" all the time!
- still not very good at clapping or waving "hi/bye" on command
- has reverted and will only sometimes give "kisses"
- loves to crawl up on everything
- crawling like crazy
- walking with assistance (push toys) - she LOVES to do this!!! and gets SO mad when she gets stuck on something, but is quickly learning to maneuver around furniture better
- got another tooth...her first one on top so now she has 3 teeth
- is becoming much more of a pickier eater...but not terribly picky. (see previous post "feedin' time"
- i think her picky eating habits are really a result of wanting to be more independent. she is really liking self feeding
- likes watermelon, canteloupe (both take forever to's like she sucks the juice then leaves the rest in her mouth)
- will take some bites of stuff we're eating, but nothing consistent
- wearing 3 and 4 Pampers diapers...but she poops out both sizes - this is kind of new
- still wearing cloth diapers! NOT pooping out of these!
- have not mastered or even doing really well at the sippy cup....think i'm gonna try straws next (i read where they are better for babies anyway...we'll see how that goes!)
- eating 4-5 times a day still (usually 4 bottles of 6-7 oz and then maybe one of about 3-6oz, eats fruits, veggies, cereal and some bites of whatever we can find that she'll try that day)
- LOVES Cheerios and any kind of puffs always!
- wearing 9-12 month clothes
- taking 2 naps a day
- still sleeping great through the night! goes down around 8pm and gets up around 6:30-7
- i'm pumping 4 times a day still...thinking of going to 3 times...and will quit at the beginning of September!!! (i can't wait!!)
- does not want to sit still for pics!! (excuse the quality...taken w/my iPhone this month)