Ruby Belle at 30 weeks!!! who does she look like?!
justin and i attended a childbirth class last saturday. it was a one day class...8 hrs. long, and informative, but boring. mainly because the teacher talked. really. slow. it was good though. i can't say i learned much because i've been reading so much stuff, but it was good to hear it from someone...made it all more real, i suppose! i think justin learned some stuff though, which was good. it is the only class the hospital offers, so i guess we're done. i was hoping to get a little more out of it, but i guess that's it for now.
belly shot - 30 weeks...getting thicker!
and starting to feel the effects of 16 extra pounds on my body! my back has been really doc says it may be the baby pressing up against my kidneys...but we're just going to keep an eye on it. it's just a dull, annyoing pain that is a full blown backache by the end of the work day. lying down is the only thing that helps, but that's not exactly condusive to my work day! speaking of work, are they getting long! the days seem to get longer and more exhausting each day. i'd always heard that the 2nd trimester was the best, but i was feeling so great during the 2nd trimester that i didn't understand how i could feel any different! now i know :) we'll see what other aches and pain the 3rd trimester brings...bring it on though because that means we're one day closer to meeting our sweet baby girl!!
Oh my goodness! Her first picture! It's a little dark in your belly, but I think she looks like you!
haha!! :) dark, yes :) but that's the it is! ha! i'm sure we can all really tell!
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