Saturday, August 2, 2008

overwhelmed and excited

so, if you've read before, i've been promoted! eek!! yeaaaa!!! um, uh-oh! really, it's been crazy! i'm the new Director of Foodservice at the hospital! my boss decided he didn't love his job anymore and i have been chosen to take his place! well, that's great! but he's also leaving me w/lots to "clean up." to say the least, it's gonna be a challenging next few months! i have just finally hired someone to take my current job as Patient Services Manager. she's fresh out of school, which isn't typical for my job, but i think she'll be great! i am really looking forward to watching her grow! and i think my employees will love her! (they're a hard crowd to please :) so, i hope to get some sleep and some down time in the next few months, but not sure it's gonna happen! i'll take any prayers i can get!

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