Friday, January 27, 2012

Beckett - 6 months!

Beckett turned 6 months on January 19, 2012! I can hardly believe it's been 1/2 a year already, but it's been SUCH a wonderful 6 months. This boy brings more joy to my heart that I could ever have imagined! He is all smiles...seriously! (except when he's hungry or tired). Here's the updates:

6 month stats:
Wt: 18lbs 8oz (75th percentile)
Ht: 75th percentile (Justin took him and can't remember his exact height)

  • trying SO SO hard to crawl...but just really good at "push up position" and "down dog"
  • when he does "crawl" it's usually backwards
  • sitting up, but only for a short bit at a time...
  • eating SO much! loves "real" (baby) food and can eat a 30 yr old man portion!
  • FINALLY sleeping through the night!!! like from 8pm to 6 or 7am!!! it took some "sleep training...aka. "crying it out." but once we committed it only took a few days!
  • takes 2-3 naps a day (usually less than an hour each...esp at day care...he seems to only nap 20-45 min at a time there?
  • has had an ear infection at each doc appointment for the last 3 months (4 months, 5 months, and 6 months), but you'd never know b/c he never "complains!"
  • Still has only 2 teeth
  • wearing size 3 diapers
  • wearing 6-9 month clothes
  • cradle cap is finally getting better! not all the way, but definitely better!

getting SO close!
Down dog at it's finest!

1 comment:

Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

He's so, so cute... and it looks like he's almost trying to stand up in one of the pics. Won't be long to he is crawling!