Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training

We have been "sort-of" potty training for a few months now. What I mean by "sort-of" is that Ruby Belle showed an interest a few months ago by telling us that she wanted to "go potty." so, we bought the toilet and got started. She was SO SO SO excited at first. I couldn't get her off the potty. but that died down. and we just weren't THAT into it as parents. I think we just had a lot going on and I was very pregnant and just not into putting much effort into it. So, we've kinda been half-assing it for a while. Which gave us a half-ass potty-trained child. Anyway, now the timeline is blurred since we now have 2 children, but somewhere along the way, I found this.

and then this the next day...

Guess at least she was getting the point!...on the 2nd try!

Now we are being a little more aggressive and do a decent job. I won't give all details, but we still have a ways to go. We just tackled sleeping all over again with Ruby Belle (she's been a TERRIBLE sleeper since Beckett came home) thing at a time.


Sarah said...

Hang in there! I think potty training is the worst thing ever. I dreaded training Ashby (hence why I waited an eternity). I hated hearing everyone tell me how perfect their kids were cause they were potty trained at birth. But despite my best attempt to keep that boy in diapers till he was 10, he somehow managed to get potty trained. Now I'm recruiting him to train his brother. Just seems like he owes me now :) Useful tips I found: I reminded Ashby that Hayes was a BABY and used DIAPERS, He was a BIG BOY that used UNDERWEAR. Putting a potty next to where he watched TV. Because I guess men are, in fact, THAT LAZY :). Bribery - I'm never above it when it makes my life easier.

Mandy S said...

glad to know someone else hates it!! I'll take middle of the night feedings over potty training any day! ha! potty next to the TV?! that's a new one!!! and you're right...sad, but true, men are THAT lazy!!! i'll keep that in mind for Beckett! and bribery is always a good one...definitely NOT above it either!!