here it is!! our new home!!! well, not yet. we close on April 15th, THEN it's our new home!!! I don't think that day could come any faster :-) we are super stoked about this place! mainly because it's ours, but also because we love it, we feel like we've waiting and played the house bidding game for TOO long (really it wasn't THAT long, but it felt like it), it's in a great neighborhood, and it's going to be just perfect for our little family!! We put offers in 3 different times (on 2 other houses and this one) before we scored on this one! 4th times a charm! the house is not as big as some we looked at and a little more pricey per square foot than some we looked at, but it's NOT a "fixer-upper" like some we looked at either. We like to fix things up and were a little hesitant on this house because there's really nothing to "fix up," but I think in the end it was the best deal. The bonus is that we won't have to fix much up and really that's probably smart considering we have a 1 1/2 yr old and a new baby on the way soon!! Praise God for knowing what's best!!
check out the pics below! The current owners have great taste!
The front. You can't really see it from here, but it's got a pretty good front porch to just hang out on.
The kitchen! I can't wait to hang out here! it's so cute and open!! and it's really inspiring me to start cooking!!!
The den. There's also a formal living room, but this will probably get the most use while the kids are young! 
The backyard! I love it!! I can't wait to watch our kids play here!!